Terms of Service

I. General Provisions

  • Terms of Service – this terms of service
  • Service – the internet service "czesci-przyczepki.pl", operating at https://czesci-przyczepki.pl
  • Service Provider – the company "Trailer Rental and Sales" with the registered office address: Słoneczna 173A, 05-506 Lesznowola Poland,
  • Service User – any natural person accessing the Service and using the services provided through the Service by the Service Provider.
  • Electronic Communication – Communication between parties via electronic mail (e-mail) and contact forms available on the website.

II. General Provisions

  • The Terms of Service define the rules of operation and use of the Service and specify the scope of rights and obligations of the Service Users and the Service Provider related to the use of the Service.
  • The subject of services provided by the Service Provider is the provision of free tools in the form of the Service, enabling Service Users to access content in the form of posts, articles, audiovisual materials or internet applications and electronic forms
  • Any content, articles, and information containing characteristics of guidelines or advice published within the Service are merely a general collection of information and are not directed at individual Service Users. The Service Provider is not responsible for their use by Service Users.
  • The Service User assumes full responsibility for the way in which the materials made available within the Service are used, including their use in accordance with applicable laws.
  • The Service Provider does not provide any warranty as to the suitability of the materials placed in the Service.
  • The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Service Users of the Service or third parties in connection with the use of the Service. The Service User using the services of the Service bears all risks associated with using the Service, especially with using and utilizing the information posted on the Service.

III. Terms of Service Usage

  • The use of the Service by each of the Service Users is free and voluntary.
  • Service Users are obliged to familiarize themselves with the Terms of Service and other documents constituting its integral part and must fully accept its provisions in order to continue using the Service.
  • Service Users may not use any personal data obtained on the Service for marketing purposes.
  • Technical requirements for using the Service:
    • a device with a display enabling the display of websites,
    • internet connection,
    • any web browser that displays web pages in accordance with the standards and provisions of the W3C Consortium and supports websites available in HTML5 language,
    • enabled JavaScript support,
    • enabled Cookie support
  • In order to ensure the safety of the Service Provider, Service Users, and other Service Users using the Service, all Service Users using the Service should adhere to generally accepted network security principles,
  • It is forbidden to perform actions personally by Service Users or using software:
    • without written consent, decompilation, and analysis of the source code,
    • without written consent, causing excessive server load of the Service,
    • without written consent, attempting to detect vulnerabilities in the Service's security and server configuration,
    • attempting to upload or inject code, scripts, and software into the server and database that could damage the Service's software, other Service Users, or the Service Provider, without written consent,
    • attempting to upload or inject code, scripts, and software into the server and database that could track or steal data from Service Users or the Service Provider, without written consent,
    • taking any actions aimed at damaging, blocking the operation of the Service or preventing the achievement of the purpose for which the Service operates.
  • In case of detecting the occurrence or potential occurrence of a Cybersecurity incident or violation of GDPR, Service Users should first report this fact to the Service Provider in order to quickly resolve the problem / threat and secure the interests of all Service Users of the Service.

IV. Registration Terms and Conditions

  • Service Users may use the Service without the need for registration.
  • Service Users must be registered and have an account on the Service to use additional services provided on the Service, available only to registered Service Users after logging in.
  • Registration on the Service is voluntary.
  • Registration on the Service is free of charge.
  • Each Service User may have only one account on the Service.
  • Technical requirements related to account registration:
    • having an individual e-mail account,
  • Service Users registering on the Service consent to the processing of their personal data by the Service Provider to the extent to which they were entered into the Service during the registration process and to their subsequent changes or deletions.
  • The Service Provider has the right to suspend or delete Service Users' accounts at its own discretion, thereby preventing or limiting access to individual or all services, content, materials, and resources of the Service, especially if the Service User violates the Terms of Service, generally applicable laws, principles of social coexistence, or acts to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Service Users, the justified interest of the Service Provider, and entities cooperating or not with the Service Provider.
  • All Service of the Service may be changed in terms of their content and scope, added or subtracted, as well as temporarily suspended or access to them may be limited, according to the Service Provider's discretionary decision, without the possibility of objection in this respect by Service Users.
  • Additional security rules for using the account:
    • Registered Service Users are prohibited from sharing their login and password to their account with third parties.
    • The Service Provider has no right and will never ask the Service User for the password to their chosen account.
  • Deleting an account:
    • Each Service User with an account on the Service has the option to delete their account from the Service.
    • Service Users can do this by logging into the panel on the Service.
    • Deleting an account results in the deletion of all Service User's identification data and anonymization of the username and email address.

V. Terms of Newsletter Service Provision

  • Service Users may use the Service without subscribing to the Newsletter service.
  • Subscribing to the Newsletter service is voluntary and free of charge.
  • Service Users may subscribe to the Newsletter service by providing their e-mail address in the form available on the Service.
  • Service Users subscribing to the Newsletter service agree to receive commercial and non-commercial information from the Service Provider to the e-mail address provided.
  • Each Newsletter message will include a link enabling Service Users to resign from receiving the Newsletter.
  • Service Users may unsubscribe from the Newsletter service at any time by clicking on the link in the message confirming the subscription to the Newsletter or by submitting a relevant request to the Service Provider.
  • The Service Provider has the right to suspend or permanently delete Service Users' e-mail addresses from the Newsletter service distribution list at its own discretion, thereby preventing or limiting access to the Newsletter service, especially if the Service User violates the Terms of Service, generally applicable laws, principles of social coexistence, or acts to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Service Users, the justified interest of the Service Provider, and entities cooperating or not with the Service Provider.

VI. Final Provisions

  • The provisions of these Terms of Service are subject to Polish law.
  • Any disputes arising in connection with the use of the Service will be resolved by common courts competent for the registered office of the Service Provider.
  • The Service Provider reserves the right to change the content of these Terms of Service at any time, with the simultaneous obligation to inform Service Users about it by placing information about changes on the Service.
  • Changes to the Terms of Service come into force within 7 days from the date of their announcement on the Service.